Sharing God’s love, welcome and justice on our corner, in our city, and in the world

Join us for Worship every Sunday at 11:00 AM

1751 Sacramento St, San Francisco | Free Parking | Kid Friendly | Get Directions

Celebrating 175 years of sharing God's love, justice, and welcome in San Franciso

Old First enthusiastically invites into fellowship the full range of our community. We were the first Protestant congregation established on the West coast,  and we are proud to continue now a progressive Christianityhere after 175 years.  We have taken a leadership role both locally and nationally in welcoming LGBTQ Christians into full participation in the life and leadership of the Presbyterian Church. We have women and men, old and young in all leadership roles of the church. We consciously reach out to people of all ethnicities and incomes, and like Jesus, we try to welcome the outcast. We hope you will consider becoming part of our community. We want to know and share your own particular gifts, experience, and insights!

Old First Presbyterian Church is an Open and Affirming Church


We worship every Sunday at 11:00 am both in person in our beautiful sanctuary and on line via YouTube livestream. We celebrate communion on the third Sunday of the month. Worship is our joyful praise and thanks to God - our celebration of God's Love.

Click here for the Live Stream Link on Sunday mornings or to watch previous services:  LINK to Old First Worship Services


Bringing God's love,  welcome,  justice, in our neighborhood, city and world and working to make the world a better place for all are important to us. We are a founding member of the weekly interfaith food pantry pantry every Saturday and host a free community meal on the 4th Saturday of each month. We work with many local, national, and international groups to promote racial justice, LGBTQ+ equality, and other human rights, to end gun violence, and to help immigrants.


We believe that learning and growth are important for all ages. We offer regular book studies, Bible studies, theological discussions, and topical classes for adults on issues important in our culture.  Small groups meet on Zoom and in members' homes for study and support. We make time and space for children in worship and offer regular, broadly graded children's church school every 1st and 3nd Sundy. We also have excellent childrens' and adults' libraries.

We love to read and support the Little Free Library on Sacramento Street.  Bring you books to share with the community. 

Welcome to our new web page!

We are excited to present our new web page!  We hope it is easier to navigate, gives more information, and has pictures which reveal some of the spirit of our vital, lively congregation.  Feel free to click around and discover all the new things.  

We will have some bugs in the first few weeks of going live, so let us know if you see any problems.

Thanks go to Amir Sedghi, Erwin Barron, Chris Burt, and Brad Peterson for all of their work getting this going and maintaining the page!


The weekly food pantry needs YOU any Saturday morning!  

Volunteer at the Food Pantry and make a real difference! The Interfaith Food Pantry feeds  350 people every Saturday morning! We work from 7:30 to 11:30 am at Old First Presbyterian Church.  If you have a compassionate heart, strong arms, and you are able to be on your feet all that time, please come. We need 20 people a week.

Click here to sign up!

What's Happening At Old First

What's Happening #1

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